Sunday, 21 March 2010

Learn more about cigarette alternatives

The first step is to open up the box. Inside your E Mist kit, you will find:
  • 2x batteries
  • 1x atomizer
  • 1x wall charger
  • 1x USB charger and
  • 5x cartridges in Menthol or regular tobacco flavor (your choice)
Initial Use
  • When taking a puff on the E Mist device, please make sure you are talking LONG SLOW puffs. Do not puff on the E Mist device like a traditional cigarette
  • For optimal performance, it is recommended that you fully charge the batteries before using E Mist
  • You will notice that one of the batteries and the atomizer are pre-assembled along with an empty cartridge to protect the atomizer in shipping. Simply replace the empty cartridge with a full one by placing it firmly onto the atomizer. To make sure the cartridge is secure, twist it slightly.
  • There is no on or off switch. When using E Mist, the red LED light at the tip glows like a real cigarette to let you know its working.
  • The batteries can be charged using a standard wall outlet, or computer with USB port.
  • To charge using a wall outlet, simply plug the wall charger into the outlet and connect the opposite end to the bottom of the charger. When the LED light on the charger is green, the battery is fully charged. The LED light will remain red while the battery is charging
  • To charge using the enclosed USB charger, unplug the USB cord from the wall plug and connect one end of the cable to the charger and the other to the USB port. When the LED light on the charger is green, the battery is fully charged. The LED light will remain red while the battery is charging
Replacing Batteries 
Each battery should provide approximately 1 day worth of full-flavored enjoyment
  • When the battery is depleted, the red LED at the end of the battery will blink 30 times intermittently.
  • To replace the empty battery, secure the cartridge in one hand and unscrew the battery from the atomizer.
  • Grab the fresh battery and reattach it to the atomizer. When you're finished, recharge the empty battery by screwing it back into the receptor.
  • Remember to unscrew a newly charged battery from the receptor when the light goes out.
Note: During use, the red LED light will flash 10 times to warn you that you are overusing your E Mist and you should take a break. This does not affect performance and does not mean you should recharge.

Replacing Cartridge
How it WorksOn average, each individual cartridge supplies enough nicotine and premium flavoring to accommodate approximately 80 - 100 puffs. When the cartridge no longer produces vapor, you'll know it's time for a replacement.
  • To replace the cartridge, hold the battery with one hand and pull off the empty one.
  • Check the atomizer for any residue and gently brush it aside using your fingers.
  • Firmly apply a full cartridge to the atomizer, twist it slightly to make sure it is secure.
 If you have any questions, please contact us at any time

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